
On the 1st day of #BelatedChristmas #GoogleIE gave to me... @TypioRecovery!

Overall Review: Typio is a really slick Chrome extension I wish existed a loooong time ago.  Imagine... The Time Crunch You're filling out that conference proposal at 11:54 PM... The deadline's 11: 59. You're finally done! Success! Your perfect proposal is seconds away from stardom at ISTE! You click submit and - - - IT TIMED OUT!!!!  YOU LOST EVERYTHING!!!! - - -AND... CHROME JUST CRASHED!!! All is Lost What do you do?  If you were like me 5 years ago- you put together what you can in as quickly as possible in 3 minutes and submit as is. Last year, after something similar had happened at least 5 times in different scenarios, I wised up and started typing my answers on Google Docs first then copying them over. I think this is the best way to go still, as when I want to see what I actually submitted, I can go back to this Doc and use this for future reference and future submissions as well. However, I still find myself updating these when it comes time
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